when you've done something before, and you haven't been doing it for a really looooooong time... it always, always, always, always feels like you're doing it for the first time.
it feels great. it makes you remember. it rejuvenates your soul and energizes your spirit.
i just had a moment like that today. when i drew something, after a long long long time. i would've loved to post what i did, but my digicam do not feel like cooperating today. (promise, i'd post it another day. that's what this blog is all about anyway. a space for my endless rantings and trashy doodles.)
i used to be one hell of a talented kid. (orayt, bear with me on this one. haha.) there was even a time when i thought i may actually be a gifted child. you know, i could have been included on that promil kids commercial. ('told you, you'd really have to bear with me on this one.) i was unafraid to go beyond my limits. i can read at the age of three. i recite poems and declamations at the slightest provocation. my mommy said i am like a sponge willingly taking in a lot of information. (fine. of course all mothers say that.)
my point is: i wish that "gifted" child is still within me. i've always believed that each of us have been given our own set of talents. everyone of us, literally, IS a gifted child. when i was young, all i know is that drawing makes me happy. (and reading too. but that's a whole different story.)
i vaguely remember details of my childhood (maybe ate loy IS right.. maybe i've been abducted by an alien)... but i do remember some snippets (yeah, very much like those foggy sci-fi-like flashes of memory) of me holding crayons and pencils and happily creating my very own version of my world. i've continued being a da vinci-wannabe up until that time when academics got the best of me. or maybe up until i felt too comfortable with my "talent" that i stopped nourishing it. (same goes with my former chess "skills". i used to be a "queen" back in high school. unbelievable, riiiiiiight? hahaha.)
then here's me, now. a wanna-be architect. not really an odd place to end up since i will practically be doodling things for a living.
i haven't drawn anything manually for a really long time. (four months, tops.) and it does feel great. i'm like a kid again. makes me remember what i want to be. =)
sometimes it does feel like it's the first time. =)
Posted by arkitek lea at 8:49:00 PM 0 comments Permalink
here's some joseph fiennes lovin'

Posted by arkitek lea at 9:03:00 PM 0 comments Permalink
Labels: csi: new york, flashforward, freddie prinze jr., grey's anatomy, joseph fiennes, keith ann aquino, kyle xy, the big bang theory, the vampire diaries
and now after some blade lovin'.
... so i've been watching "Blade". and then "Blade II". and then "Blade Trinity".
i'm like that. i'm a sucker for violent flicks, it feeds my violent side.
and once i've rolled, i can't make myself stop.
i think i've seen a blade marathon shown on cable during one of my semestral breaks. but i changed the channels because.. err... wesley snipes is not really as charming as will smith or denzel washington.. at least not for me. and i wasn't aware that blade is a marvel character. i was under the impression that his was just some random vampire story.
yep, i'm NOT a vampire fanatic. (sorry folks, twilight just ain't for me. at least i'm one less person riding the "team edward" and/or "team jacob" wagon. i have nothing against stephanie meyer, and/or the twilight franchise... it just ain't for me.)
but i loved bram stoker's dracula when i've read it way back in 1999. i also used to have the original vcd copy of the movie adaptation with keanu reeves, anthony hopkins, gary oldman and winona ryder. (owning a vcd copy of a film is a big deal way back in high school. that film, i believe, was lost in between vcd sharing with friends.)
i loved the "underworld" series, specially the third movie. and i am currently following the tv series "the vampire diaries". i also plan on starting with "trueblood". i've seen a couple of episodes but i'd love to dig in and "study" the entire series... hmmm... i'll probably start by this weekend.
i figured, since i've willingly spent at least six hours of my "free time" studying this blade character, why not write down some thoughts. (i read up after each film. everyone does that right?)
i loved the second film the most. though i think i've been inclined to like the second flick simply because it was directed by del toro. the third one, even with ryan reynold's pretty face (and humor), i liked the least. i prefer blade working "alone". i prefer him walking around like some kickass superhero every vampire fears about. putting in someone as ridiculously hot as jessica biel didn't do anything for my self-esteem. hah.
also, i laughed when they introduced biel's ipod and playlist. you'd think given that busy lifestyle (you know, of killing vampires) she won't have time to research, download and keep soundtracks or songs from her favorite bands.
bottomline: would i want another blade movie?
DEFINITELY. as long as they don't include some actors like jessica biel. ( fine, fine. maybe this is personal.haha.)
it will also help if the plotline won't border much on the lighter side. i watch movies like blade for sheer action and violence. frankly, even with all the killings from the third movie, i felt cheated.
Posted by arkitek lea at 1:32:00 AM 0 comments Permalink
Labels: blade I, blade II, blade trinity, david d. goyer, guillermo del toro, jessica biel, ryan reynolds, stephen norrington, wesley snipes
random social life.
there's a set of pictures i posted on my facebook page with the label "random social life". it wasn't random, not really. but it is a collection of pictures from where i used to work before. those pictures are proof of what my "social life" has been from november 3 to january 18. =)
there's that ongoing belief that you can't find real friends at work. so maybe i should consider myself lucky for the people i've met from there have been a welcome addition to my non-existent social life. i have mia, whom i fondly call my mama mia. and my dear mary, who's still part of that company. there's S and em and kuya bong and chao. and rae and michelle and kyle. for mark, alvin, van, jhang, stresh, red and wenn. it's been a fun ride. wish my wavemates knew how much the experience meant to me.
i have to mention someone separately. and that's dean. my ever reliable buddy. i think i may have found another bestfriend, from work.
i've been bumming around for the past two weeks now. after my uncle's death, and my decision to put an end to what i referred to as my "call center adventure"--- i now have a whole LOT of time in my hands.
and unlike my pathetic existence (of around this same time last year), i have been enjoying this relative freeeeeeeeeee schedule. i've been catching up with friends nonstop. i'm lovin' it! =)
i have this theory that maybe, just maybe, i am trying to use this active social life to forget about the fact that i am missing my tito tim so much.
Posted by arkitek lea at 12:02:00 AM 0 comments Permalink
Labels: dean lahoz, mary lorette calingasan, mia eleazar