ang blog-ista

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Quezon City, Philippines
read up to receive a dosage of arkitek lea's rants about her daily life. arkitek lea is a nomadic blogger. arkitek lea jumps restlessly from one blog to another. arkitek lea wishes to find her "permanent" blog space, HERE.



april’s almost over.

and i can’t believe it’s not even a month ago when i’ve last ranted my share of thoughts in here.

i felt like it’s been ages. same feeling i get whenever i get swamped with a lot of things-to-do and end up finding my self at loss for words (and time) of how and when to share them.

that’s when i end up posting my relatively outdated pictures. i believe they compensate for my newly acquired skills of lacking the ability to put my thoughts into sentences that make sense.

which is why, even though it’s only been a month, i’d do that amazing technique again.


i finally graduated last week. it’s not even a week. (it was around 1am last monday when we all got back from UP. yep, my entire family plus my Uncle attended my college and university graduation.)

if you followed my tweets, or is among my elite facebook circle of friends, you’d have an idea of how much i was NOT looking forward on attending graduation. i seriously cannot explain it myself.

i think, maybe, i am not yet ready to bid goodbye to the institution that i’ve been a part of for almost a decade.

or, maybe, that i am simply afraid of moving forward. “graduating” meant leaving my comfort zone --- and, The UP College of Architecture was my personal brand of comfort.

ah yes, stop me before I get emotional.


the bottomline is simply that i didn’t expect this much from this academic year. it's been exhausting, and filled with unforgettable deadlines...

God is just uber powerful and all-knowing. 
If He thinks it’s time for me to get my dream degree, then all I’m left to do is accept it.


 a shot with my boyfriends, Tatay and Tito Father, immediately after the Arki Graduation Rites

photon taken by Mark Telan, one of my best arki friends, minutes before the University Graduation

tweeting my way to the ceremony. (photo creedit: jan de villeres)


you'd think i'd have tons of photos from that historical event. and i don't.
but i am on the process of compiling photos (of which my face accidentally appear) from fellow arki grads. 
i should be posting that collection on my facebook soon. =)


my tweets last sunday. 
(for them to make sense, you should read them from the bottom up. it's how the twitter timeline works. ;p)

during the college grad:

at the univ grad (and on our way home):

what i felt when i got hold of the (ceremonial) diploma:


my not-so-little younger sisters entertaining themselves while waiting for us:

seated during the arki grad rites
L-R: France Lizette, Franz Lesly, Franc Lorraine

lizette and lesly walking around the academic oval

our bunso loving the vargas museum

 Ba and Lesly waiting at our red-plated service for the day


i wish i can flatout share that i’ve been doing a lot of productive things lately.

being a UP graduate, i am aware that a lot of people expect mountains of things from me.

uhm, yeeees... i’ve been productive.
and i am perfectly happy!

i’m even feeling like i am committing a sin against (architecture) nature because i sleep anytime, whenever i want to. (oo na, AKO NA!)

i just recently unpacked my things (mostly books and magazines), and arranged them into “my” room.

i currently stopped looking for work, turned down three invites for interview, and refused two job offers. (oo na, AKO NA NGA TALAGA!)

i wake up every morning smiling ---  knowing that I am literally home. =))


i have resolved to work here in Lopez, Quezon... for now.
at least until Mommy returns from Libya.

there’s also a baptism scheduled for my niece Cesca.

i wouldn’t want to be the only one in Manila when the entire family’s on bonding mode.

Baby Ealissandra Francesca Capellan - Uy


i can’t believe i am now living my dream. anak ng tupa.


one minor problem though: i think my clothes have shrunk.

i blame the provincial air.
and, i’ve only been here for a week.



i am in an emotional limbo.

'been here since i can't remember when. (or maybe since June.) and i am afraid that if i don't get to "fix" all this emotions, i'd be doomed.

or maybe not.

because i have been blessed with an awesome set of family, and friends.

i am still in limbo (yes, like that Inception-limbo).. but I am glad a lot of people are waltzing in here, with (and along) me.


that's my cue to share my THESIS' ACKNOWLEDGMENT PAGE.
(which, by the way, i've already posted on my facebook photos section.)

i am posting this page 'as it is'.
(although i must admit that some names were not on the printed / book copy.)

also, forgive me for the grammar lapses.
this is my heart talking:


there are too many names to tag. i just hope that when these people "google" their names, they'd stumble upon this post.


there may also be a lot of people i have "forgotten". i hope that they know how grateful i am for all their help and support.

thesis life is over, and i am now awaiting real life. =)


"Last Day" Thesis Photos: 24 March 2011

with TEAM AIT (Lloyd Fontilla and Dorothy Lee) at the UAPSA-UP Tambayan.
(My first time to stay at the tambayan for over six freakin' hours! FUN!)

L-R: Dorothy, Edpat, Lloyd and Me.
All greasy and "haggard". heehee. ^_^

And FOOOOOOD to wrap-up THE day.
such-a-relief-being-relieved-from-thesis. ;p
(at Seafood Island - Technohub)

photo credits: Lloyd Fontilla, Dale Cortez



i think it's the prospect of leaving my comfort zone. the fact that i may actually (and FINALLY) be graduating.

it may not look like it. BUT I AM SCARED.

so, i jog. err.. rather, i walk.

i've been WALKING for three days straight. (freakin' fourth day today!)

or, as i've been telling my youngest sister: I just want to look thin / nice / "sexy" for the 17th. you know, for the graduation pictures.


the last time i consciously thought of loosing weight was last october, in preparation for my sister's wedding. obviously, it failed.


btw, as this is my personal blog ( my friend dean implies my posts are not smart nor intellectual), here are some pictures from our thesis wrap-up party last March 25: (photo credits: lloyd fontilla, jam macabeo and mark telan)

with Mark,
my runner and one of those who willingly shared his thesis time with me:

with my "batch mate" chamcham (she's aiming for the "02" sign):

sitting and having fun at the "delayed" table:

(L-R: Mark, Hazel, Me, Cham and Norman)

this time we're joined by Nikko: 
(and yes, we're just posing with the drinks. ;p)

playing with the kids:
(norman made me do this!!!) 

and more wholesome pictures all-around:
 (most of them taken minutes before leaving the party)

a picture with TEAM AIT:

with Arch. / Sir Alex:
(L-R: Jam, Cham, Aldrin, Me, Sir Alex, Hazel)


more narcissism:

i was browsing through my pictures over the years, and i was SHOCKED to discover that i seem to have a "patented pose". see for yourself:

(L-R: October 2010, April 2009, March 2006)

 (L-R: Feb 2008, Mar 2011)

other than the obvious sign that i did gained weight, it looks like i have to learn some alternative poses.hehe.


let me just say i'll miss this guy, if i do succumb to the idea that i'd work in the province until i'm ready for the boards. =)


random bonding pictures from our March 13 "get together" and Mama Mia's treat:



Okay, maybe i'm just afraid of the "boyfriend" part.


so this is how FEAR feels like.

i NEED to graduate next month.
i NEED to find an archl job, ASAP.



Wednesday tidbits.

this is why tweeting is better than blogging. 

Ate the leftover Charlie's Burger from last night.
Had my morning coffee.
Emailed my CWTS 2 professor.

Should be running for the lunch mass.
(It's Ash Wednesday! Lenten Season's here!)

I just have to get this 1pm-4pm class routine. (at least six more sessions to go!)
Crossing my fingers, that I am not too far behind.

(25 sketches for LA1 --- due next week!)

psych101 reporting on Friday.
Should start with the thesis book by Friday night.
Dinner with TEAM AIT before that.

why oh why oh why oh why am i still feeling like this?

some thesis.

i should be posting my actual thesis output, but i figured i can do that once i'm officially done with the book.

so, here's me on that unforgettable feb 22 afternoon --- all yellow, without any sleep, and trying to look like i'm all set for that bright architecture future:

the AIT jury was explaining something here

i watch as my jury scrutinize my outputs:

yes, more explainin' on my end

and picture with my tatay, after the delibs:


give me at least three more weeks.
and i swear this blog will be back in full swing. ;p