ang blog-ista

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Quezon City, Philippines
read up to receive a dosage of arkitek lea's rants about her daily life. arkitek lea is a nomadic blogger. arkitek lea jumps restlessly from one blog to another. arkitek lea wishes to find her "permanent" blog space, HERE.



that cliche about the sudden (and really stupid) downpour of doubt whenever you are nearing the end?

IT IS TRUE. i think that's exacty how winners and losers are determined. 

the act of winning (or succeeding) doesn't really matter, as long as you know you gave it your best shot.


i had my first architectural consultation with THE-BEST-THESIS-ADVISER-EVER last thursday. we did met a couple of times for the thesis proposal, but the latest meeting was different.

albeit, mas nakaka-pressure. @_@

our last thesis submission for this sem is due in less than a week. i am not even halfway through it and honestly, I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN FINISH IT.

deep (real deep) inside my heart, i know i'd rock this thesis year. but my braincells (yes, i am blaming YOU!) aren't really cooperating.

good thing i know myself more than anyone else. i am resorting to some positive reinforcement. (see: my "work desktop" picture.)

as of yesterday, my sketchup output looks like this:

if it doesn't make any sense to you... well, it's because it's really not making any sense SO FAR. 


here's how i go about "drafting" my architectural scheme. =)

and here's what i need to wrestle for the next two weeks:


and yes, my sister's wedding is next weekend. i haven't even seen my dress yet. i don't think i'll have the time to buy the shoes. all i know is that i'd be there, i can't miss that for anything. =)

when inside the consultation room last thursday, i played "chess titans". i just have to post this since it was the first time i played the toughest level (where the computer "thinks" for the longest time) and i am just so proud of myself for winning. ;p

i played black. here's the white queen sacrificing herself:

a couple of moves after that, i won the game:


btw, this blog is best viewed using google chrome. thank you for pointing out the mozilla problem though. i haven't used mozilla in ages. (and seriously, i am a bit curious on how you guys happen to stumble upon my blog! ;p)